Off and Running....

So begins the first post of the Masters Physique Blog. Not the catchiest title, but it is to the point. I want this the blog to serve two purposes. First to let other Master athletes know what type of training, diet, supplements, etc.. that I am utilizing on the way to the 2013 Masters Nationals. I qualified this year by first winning my age/class at the NPC Warrior classic, and then about 6 weeks later winning not only my class, but the overall Masters at the NPC GNC Colorado Natural. Secondly, I want this blog to be an open forum for other Masters. Send me your videos, suggestions, pictures, workout routines, anything that would add to this open source of information. I will also be contacting other Master MP (guys and gals) and interviewing them in a X number of questions format via email. Let's face it, Master MP athletes are not exactly seen as the future of the sport...I get that. Most sites would rather interview the 25 year old guy who placed 6th in his class versus the 50 year old who wins his class. I still believe that Masters have some wisdom to offer each other in our competitive endeavors and or to motivate those who have yet to step on stage, or who maybe never want to step onstage, but want to know how to look and feel their best, despite their age. Maybe this is all falling on deaf ears, but let me know.
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